'What\'s This Video About? Hey guys, here is second episode of the Teen Bodybuilding Beginner workout series and we have and awesome Push routine for you with tips throughout the workout. With a lot of beginner recently subscribing to my channel, instead of me doing beginner routines I thought it would be better to actually transform a beginner so you can physically see common mistakes made and see the strategies I preach actually working. I will be covering all of his Beginner Workout Routines as a Teen Bodybuilder, and also details on nutrition and how to track your macros effectively. So make sure you add these videos to your playlist and let make some gains together!! TrueBeast Athletics Clothing https://www.truebeastathletics.com/ http://www.GabrielSey.com -True Beast eBook -Online Coaching Follow Me: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gabrielseyfit... Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gabriel_sey_... Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabriel_sey_fit Snapchat: gabriel-sey Thinking of Competing? http://www.iam-fearless.com Want Quality Supplements http://www.bulkpowders.co.uk/ GABRIEL20 for 20% OFF Prep Life Made Easier: http://www.fitmarkbags.eu/'
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